title: Indicators at hourly timescale description: List of available indicators at hourly timescale keywords: indicator, agroclimatic, ecoclimatic date: 2024-09-20

These are the indicators of the Indicators library (version 2.1.0).

48 hourly indicators

Id Name Description Variables Parameters Unit [^1] Notes
Cold Frost
coldhours Cold hours Number of cold hours (TH < -4.0 °C). th h
vcoldhours Very cold hours Number of very cold hours (TH < -10.0 °C). th h
coldfreq Cold hours freq Frequency (%) of cold hours (TH < -4.0 °C). th %
vcoldfreq Very cold hours freq Frequency (%) of very cold hours (TH < -10.0 °C). th %
maxfrosthours Consecutive frost hours Maximal number of consecutives frost hours (TH < 0.0 °C). th h
sumfrosthours Frost sum Sum of negative temperatures (TH < 0.0 °C). th °C
froststart Frost start Date and time of first frost (Julian day). th d
frostend Frost end Date and time of last frost (Julian day). th d
frosthours Frost hours Number of frost hours (TH < 0 °C). th h
vernhours Vernalisation hours Number of hours when {tMinVern} °C < TH < {tMaxVern} °C. th tMaxVern, tMinVern h
hshours Heat stress hours Number of heat stress hours (TH > {Theat} °C). th Theat h
hsfreq Heat stress hours frequency Frequency of heat stress hours (TH > {Theat} °C). th Theat %
maxheathours Max consecutive heat hours Maximal number of consecutives shock hours (TH > {Theat} °C). th Theat h
sumheathours Heat sum temperature Sum of hourly temperatures (TH > {Theat} °C). th Theat °C
heatstart Heat start Day and hour of first Heat shock (TH > {Theat} °C) in julian day. th Theat d
heatend Heat end Day and hour of last Heat shock (TH > {Theat} °C) in julian day. th Theat d
Thermal conditions
mintmin Minimal hourly min temp Minimal Tmin for each period. tmin °C
mintmax Minimal hourly max temp Minimal Tmax for each period. tmax °C
maxtmin Maximal hourly min temp Maximal Tmin for each period. tmin °C
maxtmax Maximal hourly max temp Maximal Tmax for each period. tmax °C
avgth Average hourly temperature Average hourly temperature for each period. th °C
Humidity conditions
wethours Wet hours Number of wet hours (RH / 100 > 60%). rh h
dryhours Dry hours Number of dry hours (RH / 100 < 40%). rh h
wetfreq Wet hours freq Frequency (%) of wet hours (RH / 100 > 60%). rh %
dryfreq Dry hours freq Frequency (%) of dry hours (RH / 100 < 40%). rh %
maxwethours Consecutive wet hours Maximal number of consecutives wet hours (RH / 100 > 60%). rh h
maxdryhours Consecutive dry hours Maximal number of consecutives dry hours (RH / 100 < 40%). rh h
Water deficit
maxrain Maximal hourly rain Maximal hourly rain fall. rain mm
minetp Minimal hourly ETP Minimal hourly potential evapotranspiration (mm). etp mm
maxetp Maximal hourly ETP Maximal hourly potential evapotranspiration (mm). etp mm
Water damage
raihours Rainy hours Number of rainy hours. rain h
raifreq Rainy hours freq Frequency (%) of rainy hours. rain %
noraihours No Rainy hours Number of no rainy hours. rain h
noraifreq No rainy hours freq Frequency (%) of no rainy hours. rain h
hraihours Heavy rainy hours Number of heavy rainy hours (> {heavyRain} mm). rain heavyRain h
hraifreq Heavy rainy hours freq Frequency (%) of heavy rainy hours (> {heavyRain} mm). rain heavyRain %
shraihours Severe heavy rainy hours Number of severe heavy rainy hours (> {seriousHeavyRain} mm). rain seriousHeavyRain h
shraifreq Severe heavy rainy hours freq Frequency (%) of severe heavy rainy hours (> {seriousHeavyRain} mm). rain seriousHeavyRain %
Radiation deficit
avsorad Average hourly solar radiation Average hourly radiation (MJ/m²). radiation MJ/m²
minrad Minimal hourly solar radiation Minimal hourly radiation (MJ/m²). radiation MJ/m²
maxrad Maximal hourly solar radiation Maximal hourly radiation (MJ/m²). radiation MJ/m²
Wind conditions
hwindhours High wind hours Number of hours with high wind (wind speed at 10m > 5.28 m/s). wind h
minwind Minimal daily wind speed Minimal hourly wind speed. wind m/s
maxwind Maximal hourly wind speed Maximal hourly wind speed. wind m/s
Other complex indicators
avgthi_idele THI: Temperature Humidity Index Average heat stress indicator THI (Temperature Humidity Index). rh, th °C² 978-2-7148-0083-1
thihours_idele THI hours Number of hours with THI according to stress. Light stress: 68 - 72%; moderate stress: 72 - 78%; severe stress: 78 - 84%; extreme stress: > 84%. rh, th h 978-2-7148-0083-1
maxthihours_idele Consecutive light stress THI hours Maximal number of consecutives hours with THI according to stress. Light stress: 68 - 72%; moderate stress: 72 - 78%; severe stress: 78 - 84%; extreme stress: > 84%. rh, th h 978-2-7148-0083-1
thifreq_idele Light stress THI hours freq Frequency (%) of THI light according to stress. Light stress: 68 - 72%; moderate stress: 72 - 78%; severe stress: 78 - 84%; extreme stress: > 84%. rh, th % 978-2-7148-0083-1


Id Description
heavyRain Daily pluviometry specifying an heavy rain (mm).
seriousHeavyRain Daily pluviometry specifying a serious heavy rain (mm).
Theat Temperature above which heat affects the crop (°C) (compared to Tmax).
tMaxVern Maximal temperature for vernalisation (°C).
tMinVern Minimal temperature for vernalisation (°C).


Id Description
etp Evapotranspiration [mm/d].
radiation Global radiation [W/m²].
rain Rain precipitation [mm].
rh Relative humidity [%].
th Instantaneous hourly air temperature [°C].
tmax Maximal air temperature [°C].
tmin Minimal air temperature [°C].
wind Wind speed [m/s].


Reference Description
978-2-7148-0083-1 La ventilation des bâtiments d'élevage de ruminants, Institut de l'élevage

[^1]: Unit expressed for calculations based on climatic variables defined in standard units.