Cold Frost |
cdaystmin |
Cold days Tmin |
Number of cold days (tmin < -4.0 °C). |
tmin |
d |
vcdaystmin |
Very Cold days Tmin |
Number of extreme cold days (tmin < -4.0 °C). |
tmin |
d |
cdaystmean |
Cold days Tmean |
Number of cold days (tmean < -1.0 °C). |
tmean |
d |
cfreqtmin |
Cold days freq Tmin |
Frequency (%) of extreme cold days (tmin < -10.0 °C). |
tmin |
% |
vcfreqtmin |
Very Cold days freq Tmin |
Frequency (%) of very cold days (tmin < -10.0 °C). |
tmin |
% |
cfreqtmean |
Cold days freq Tmean |
Frequency (%) of cold days (tmean < -10.0 °C). |
tmean |
% |
numbcoldwav |
Number of cold waves |
Number of cold waves of {Spellfrost} days (tmin < 0.0 °C). |
tmin |
Spellfrost |
wave |
coldsum |
Cold sum Tmean |
Sum of average temperatures (tmean < 0.0 °C). |
tmean |
°C |
coldsumtmin |
Cold sum Tmin |
Sum of minimal temperatures (tmin < 0.0 °C). |
tmin |
°C |
froststart |
Frost start |
First frost day (Julian day). |
tmin |
day of year |
frostend |
Frost end |
Last frost day (Julian day). |
tmin |
day of year |
frostdaystmin |
Frost days |
Number of frost days (Tmin < 0 °C). |
tmin |
d |
verndays |
Vernalizing days |
Number of days when {tMinVern} °C < tmean < {tMaxVern} °C. |
tmean |
tMaxVern, tMinVern |
d |
vernfreq |
Vernalizing days frequency |
Days frequency where {tMinVern} °C < tmean < {tMaxVern} °C. |
tmean |
tMaxVern, tMinVern |
% |
verndaysfill |
Vernalizing days / needed days ratio |
Ratio between the number of vernalizing days and the number of vernalizing days required for the variety. |
tmean |
tMaxVern, tMinVern, vernalizingDays |
ratio |
Heat |
hsdays |
Heat stress days |
Number of heat stress days (tmax > {Theat} °C). |
tmax |
Theat |
d |
xhsdays |
Extreme Heat stress days |
Number of extreme heat stress days (tmax > {Theat} °C). |
tmax |
Theat |
d |
hsfreq |
Heat stress days frequency |
Frequency of heat stress days (tmax > {Theat} °C). |
tmax |
Theat |
% |
hdaystmin |
Hot days Tmin |
Number of hot days (tmin > {tMinHeat} °C). |
tmin |
tMinHeat |
d |
hdaystmax |
Hot days Tmax |
Number of hot days (tmax > 35.0 °C). |
tmax |
d |
hdaystmean |
Hot days Tmean |
Number of hot days (tmean > 25.0 °C). |
tmean |
d |
xhsfreq |
Extreme heat stress days frequency |
Frequency of extreme heat stress days (tmax > {Theat} °C). |
tmax |
Theat |
% |
numbheatwav |
Heat waves |
Number of heat waves (more than {Spellheat} days with tmax > {Theat} °C). |
tmax |
Spellheat, Theat |
wave |
heatsumtmean |
Heat sum Tmean |
Sum of average temperatures, when tmean > 25.0 °C. |
tmean |
°C |
heatsumtmax |
Heat sum Tmax |
Sum of maximum temperatures, when tmax > 25.0 °C. |
tmax |
°C |
heatstart |
Heat start |
First day of Heat shock (tmax > {Theat} °C) in julian day. |
tmax |
Theat |
day of year |
heatend |
Heat end |
Last day of Heat schock (tmax > {Theat} °C) in julian day. |
tmax |
Theat |
day of year |
Thermal conditions |
mintmin |
Minimal daily min temp |
Minimal Tmin for each period. |
tmin |
°C |
mintmax |
Minimal daily max temp |
Minimal Tmax for each period. |
tmax |
°C |
maxtmin |
Maximal daily min temp |
Maximal Tmin for each period. |
tmin |
°C |
maxtmax |
Maximal daily max temp |
Maximal Tmin for each period. |
tmax |
°C |
mint |
Average daily min temp |
Average Tmin for each period. |
tmin |
°C |
maxt |
Average daily max temp |
Average Tmax for each period. |
tmax |
°C |
meant |
Average daily mean temp |
Average Tmean for each period. |
tmean |
°C |
ranget |
Average daily range temp |
Average Thermal amplitude for each period. |
tmax, tmin |
°C |
photothermalquotient |
Photothermal quotient |
Radiation sum (MJ/m²) / positive temperature sum (°C.d). |
radiation, tmean |
MJ/m²/°C/d |
Humidity conditions |
humavg |
Average daily humidity |
Average daily humidity. |
rh |
% |
wetdays |
Wet days |
Number of wet days (RH > 60%). |
rh |
d |
drydays |
Dry days |
Number of dry days (RH < 40%). |
rh |
d |
wetfreq |
Wet days freq |
Frequency (%) of wet days (RH > 60%). |
rh |
% |
dryfreq |
Dry days freq |
Frequency (%) of dry days (RH < 40%). |
rh |
% |
highhumsum |
High humidities sum |
Sum of high humidities (RH > 60%). |
rh |
% |
lowhumsum |
Low humidities sum |
Sum of low humidities (RH < 40%). |
rh |
% |
numbwetwav |
Wet waves |
Number of wet waves (7 consecutive days with RH > 60%). |
rh |
wave |
numbdrywav |
Dry waves |
Number of dry waves (7 consecutive days with RH < 40%). |
rh |
wave |
Water deficit |
raidays |
Rainy days |
Number of rainy days. |
rain |
d |
raifreq |
Rainy days freq |
Frequency (%) of rainy days. |
rain |
% |
defraidays |
Rainy days (Deficit) |
Number of days with rain deficit. |
rain |
d |
defraifreq |
Rainy days freq (Deficit) |
Frequency (%) of days with rain deficit. |
rain |
% |
watsdays |
Water stress days |
Number of days with soil water content < {swcWp}. |
soilwatercontent |
swcWp |
d |
watsfreq |
Water stress days freq |
Frequency (%) of days with soil water content < {swcWp}. |
soilwatercontent |
swcWp |
% |
sumwd |
Sum of water deficit |
Sum of water deficit: Σ(RAIN - ETP). |
etp, rain |
mm |
wddays |
Days with water deficit |
Number of days when ETP is greater than precipitation. |
etp, rain |
d |
maxconswatexcdays |
Consecutive days with P - ETP > threshold |
Highest number of days with (P - ETP) > threshold. |
etp, rain |
d |
numbdroughtwav |
Drought waves |
Number of drought waves (20 consecutive days without rain). |
rain |
Spelldrought |
wave |
rainsum |
Rain sum |
Daily rain cumulation. |
rain |
mm |
maxrain |
Maximal daily rain |
Maximal daily rain fall. |
rain |
mm |
rainavg |
Average daily rain |
Average daily rain. |
rain |
mm |
swccc |
Soil water content on field capacity ratio |
Ratio between the actual average soil humidity and the field capacity. |
soilwatercontent |
swcFc |
ratio |
minetp |
Minimal daily ETP |
Minimal daily potential evapotranspiration (mm). |
etp |
mm |
maxetp |
Maximal daily ETP |
Maximal daily potential evapotranspiration (mm). |
etp |
mm |
sumetp |
Daily ETP sum |
Sum of daily potential evapotranspiration (mm). |
etp |
mm |
Water excess |
wetsdays |
Wet soil days |
Number of days with soil moisture above field capacity (SWC > {swcFc} %). |
soilwatercontent |
swcFc |
d |
wetsfreq |
Wet soil days freq |
Frequency (%) of days with soil moisture above field capacity (SWC > {swcFc} %). |
soilwatercontent |
swcFc |
% |
excraidays |
Rainy days (Excess) |
Number of rainy days in excess. |
rain |
d |
excraifreq |
Rainy days freq (Excess) |
Frequency (%) of rainy days in excess. |
rain |
% |
sumwe |
Sum of water excess |
Water deficit (mm): rain - ETR. |
etp, rain |
mm |
excrainsum |
Rain sum (Excess) |
Sum of rain in excess. |
rain |
mm |
Water damage |
hraidays |
Heavy rain days |
Number of heavy rainy days (> {heavyRain} mm). |
rain |
heavyRain |
d |
shraidays |
Severe heavy rain days |
Number of severe heavy rainy days (> {seriousHeavyRain} mm). |
rain |
seriousHeavyRain |
d |
hrainpart |
Heavy rain part |
Percentage (%) of rainfall attributed to days of heavy rains (> {heavyRain} mm). |
rain |
heavyRain |
ratio |
shrainpart |
Severe heavy rain part |
Percentage (%) of rainfall attributed to days of severe heavy rains (> {seriousHeavyRain} mm). |
rain |
seriousHeavyRain |
ratio |
hraifreq |
Heavy rain freq |
Percentage (%) of severe heavy rainy days (> {heavyRain} mm). |
rain |
seriousHeavyRain |
% |
Radiation deficit |
avsorad |
Average daily solar radiation |
Average daily radiation (MJ/m²). |
radiation |
MJ/m² |
minrad |
Minimal daily solar radiation |
Minimal daily radiation (MJ/m²). |
radiation |
MJ/m² |
maxrad |
Maximal daily solar radiation |
Maximal daily radiation (MJ/m²). |
radiation |
MJ/m² |
sumsorad |
Sum of daily solar radiation |
Cumulated daily radiation (MJ/m²). |
radiation |
MJ/m² |
rsdays |
Radiative stress days |
Number of days with radiation stress (radiation < 17.28 MJ/m²/day, or 200W for 24h). |
radiation |
d |
coldshadeddays |
Cold and low radiation days |
Number of days froids with radiation stress (tmean < -1.0 °C and radiation < 17.28 MJ/m²/day, or 200W for 24h). |
radiation, tmean |
d |
Wind conditions |
hwinddays |
High wind days |
Number of days with high wind (wind speed at 10m > 5.28 m/s). |
wind |
d |
hwindfreq |
High wind days freq |
Frequency (%) of days with high wind (wind speed at 10m > 5.28 m/s). |
wind |
% |
minwind |
Minimal daily wind speed |
Minimal daily wind speed. |
wind |
m/s |
maxwind |
Maximal daily wind speed |
Maximal daily wind speed. |
wind |
m/s |
Phase length |
phalen |
Phase length |
Phase length. |
tmean |
d |
Other complex indicators |
monilia |
Monilia risk on apricot |
Cumulative risk of moniliosis on apricot twigs during the flowering phase. |
rain, tmean |
% |
10.1016/j.eja.2019.125960 |
avgthi_idele |
THI: Temperature Humidity Index |
Average heat stress indicator THI (Temperature Humidity Index). |
rh, tmean |
°C² |
978-2-7148-0083-1 |
thidays_idele |
THI days |
Number of days with THI according to stress. Light stress: 68 - 72%; moderate stress: 72 - 78%; severe stress: 78 - 84%; extreme stress: > 84%. |
rh, tmean |
d |
978-2-7148-0083-1 |
maxthidays_idele |
Consecutive light stress THI days |
Maximal number of consecutives days with THI according to stress. Light stress: 68 - 72%; moderate stress: 72 - 78%; severe stress: 78 - 84%; extreme stress: > 84%. |
rh, tmean |
d |
978-2-7148-0083-1 |
thifreq_idele |
Light stress THI days freq |
Frequency (%) of THI light according to stress. Light stress: 68 - 72%; moderate stress: 72 - 78%; severe stress: 78 - 84%; extreme stress: > 84%. |
rh, tmean |
% |
978-2-7148-0083-1 |