title: Indicators at daily timescale description: List of available indicators at daily timescale keywords: indicator, agroclimatic, ecoclimatic date: 2024-09-20

These are the indicators of the Indicators library (version 2.1.0).

89 daily indicators

Id Name Description Variables Parameters Unit [^1] Notes
Cold Frost
cdaystmin Cold days Tmin Number of cold days (tmin < -4.0 °C). tmin d
vcdaystmin Very Cold days Tmin Number of extreme cold days (tmin < -4.0 °C). tmin d
cdaystmean Cold days Tmean Number of cold days (tmean < -1.0 °C). tmean d
cfreqtmin Cold days freq Tmin Frequency (%) of extreme cold days (tmin < -10.0 °C). tmin %
vcfreqtmin Very Cold days freq Tmin Frequency (%) of very cold days (tmin < -10.0 °C). tmin %
cfreqtmean Cold days freq Tmean Frequency (%) of cold days (tmean < -10.0 °C). tmean %
numbcoldwav Number of cold waves Number of cold waves of {Spellfrost} days (tmin < 0.0 °C). tmin Spellfrost wave
coldsum Cold sum Tmean Sum of average temperatures (tmean < 0.0 °C). tmean °C
coldsumtmin Cold sum Tmin Sum of minimal temperatures (tmin < 0.0 °C). tmin °C
froststart Frost start First frost day (Julian day). tmin day of year
frostend Frost end Last frost day (Julian day). tmin day of year
frostdaystmin Frost days Number of frost days (Tmin < 0 °C). tmin d
verndays Vernalizing days Number of days when {tMinVern} °C < tmean < {tMaxVern} °C. tmean tMaxVern, tMinVern d
vernfreq Vernalizing days frequency Days frequency where {tMinVern} °C < tmean < {tMaxVern} °C. tmean tMaxVern, tMinVern %
verndaysfill Vernalizing days / needed days ratio Ratio between the number of vernalizing days and the number of vernalizing days required for the variety. tmean tMaxVern, tMinVern, vernalizingDays ratio
hsdays Heat stress days Number of heat stress days (tmax > {Theat} °C). tmax Theat d
xhsdays Extreme Heat stress days Number of extreme heat stress days (tmax > {Theat} °C). tmax Theat d
hsfreq Heat stress days frequency Frequency of heat stress days (tmax > {Theat} °C). tmax Theat %
hdaystmin Hot days Tmin Number of hot days (tmin > {tMinHeat} °C). tmin tMinHeat d
hdaystmax Hot days Tmax Number of hot days (tmax > 35.0 °C). tmax d
hdaystmean Hot days Tmean Number of hot days (tmean > 25.0 °C). tmean d
xhsfreq Extreme heat stress days frequency Frequency of extreme heat stress days (tmax > {Theat} °C). tmax Theat %
numbheatwav Heat waves Number of heat waves (more than {Spellheat} days with tmax > {Theat} °C). tmax Spellheat, Theat wave
heatsumtmean Heat sum Tmean Sum of average temperatures, when tmean > 25.0 °C. tmean °C
heatsumtmax Heat sum Tmax Sum of maximum temperatures, when tmax > 25.0 °C. tmax °C
heatstart Heat start First day of Heat shock (tmax > {Theat} °C) in julian day. tmax Theat day of year
heatend Heat end Last day of Heat schock (tmax > {Theat} °C) in julian day. tmax Theat day of year
Thermal conditions
mintmin Minimal daily min temp Minimal Tmin for each period. tmin °C
mintmax Minimal daily max temp Minimal Tmax for each period. tmax °C
maxtmin Maximal daily min temp Maximal Tmin for each period. tmin °C
maxtmax Maximal daily max temp Maximal Tmin for each period. tmax °C
mint Average daily min temp Average Tmin for each period. tmin °C
maxt Average daily max temp Average Tmax for each period. tmax °C
meant Average daily mean temp Average Tmean for each period. tmean °C
ranget Average daily range temp Average Thermal amplitude for each period. tmax, tmin °C
photothermalquotient Photothermal quotient Radiation sum (MJ/m²) / positive temperature sum (°C.d). radiation, tmean MJ/m²/°C/d
Humidity conditions
humavg Average daily humidity Average daily humidity. rh %
wetdays Wet days Number of wet days (RH > 60%). rh d
drydays Dry days Number of dry days (RH < 40%). rh d
wetfreq Wet days freq Frequency (%) of wet days (RH > 60%). rh %
dryfreq Dry days freq Frequency (%) of dry days (RH < 40%). rh %
highhumsum High humidities sum Sum of high humidities (RH > 60%). rh %
lowhumsum Low humidities sum Sum of low humidities (RH < 40%). rh %
numbwetwav Wet waves Number of wet waves (7 consecutive days with RH > 60%). rh wave
numbdrywav Dry waves Number of dry waves (7 consecutive days with RH < 40%). rh wave
Water deficit
raidays Rainy days Number of rainy days. rain d
raifreq Rainy days freq Frequency (%) of rainy days. rain %
defraidays Rainy days (Deficit) Number of days with rain deficit. rain d
defraifreq Rainy days freq (Deficit) Frequency (%) of days with rain deficit. rain %
watsdays Water stress days Number of days with soil water content < {swcWp}. soilwatercontent swcWp d
watsfreq Water stress days freq Frequency (%) of days with soil water content < {swcWp}. soilwatercontent swcWp %
sumwd Sum of water deficit Sum of water deficit: Σ(RAIN - ETP). etp, rain mm
wddays Days with water deficit Number of days when ETP is greater than precipitation. etp, rain d
maxconswatexcdays Consecutive days with P - ETP > threshold Highest number of days with (P - ETP) > threshold. etp, rain d
numbdroughtwav Drought waves Number of drought waves (20 consecutive days without rain). rain Spelldrought wave
rainsum Rain sum Daily rain cumulation. rain mm
maxrain Maximal daily rain Maximal daily rain fall. rain mm
rainavg Average daily rain Average daily rain. rain mm
swccc Soil water content on field capacity ratio Ratio between the actual average soil humidity and the field capacity. soilwatercontent swcFc ratio
minetp Minimal daily ETP Minimal daily potential evapotranspiration (mm). etp mm
maxetp Maximal daily ETP Maximal daily potential evapotranspiration (mm). etp mm
sumetp Daily ETP sum Sum of daily potential evapotranspiration (mm). etp mm
Water excess
wetsdays Wet soil days Number of days with soil moisture above field capacity (SWC > {swcFc} %). soilwatercontent swcFc d
wetsfreq Wet soil days freq Frequency (%) of days with soil moisture above field capacity (SWC > {swcFc} %). soilwatercontent swcFc %
excraidays Rainy days (Excess) Number of rainy days in excess. rain d
excraifreq Rainy days freq (Excess) Frequency (%) of rainy days in excess. rain %
sumwe Sum of water excess Water deficit (mm): rain - ETR. etp, rain mm
excrainsum Rain sum (Excess) Sum of rain in excess. rain mm
Water damage
hraidays Heavy rain days Number of heavy rainy days (> {heavyRain} mm). rain heavyRain d
shraidays Severe heavy rain days Number of severe heavy rainy days (> {seriousHeavyRain} mm). rain seriousHeavyRain d
hrainpart Heavy rain part Percentage (%) of rainfall attributed to days of heavy rains (> {heavyRain} mm). rain heavyRain ratio
shrainpart Severe heavy rain part Percentage (%) of rainfall attributed to days of severe heavy rains (> {seriousHeavyRain} mm). rain seriousHeavyRain ratio
hraifreq Heavy rain freq Percentage (%) of severe heavy rainy days (> {heavyRain} mm). rain seriousHeavyRain %
Radiation deficit
avsorad Average daily solar radiation Average daily radiation (MJ/m²). radiation MJ/m²
minrad Minimal daily solar radiation Minimal daily radiation (MJ/m²). radiation MJ/m²
maxrad Maximal daily solar radiation Maximal daily radiation (MJ/m²). radiation MJ/m²
sumsorad Sum of daily solar radiation Cumulated daily radiation (MJ/m²). radiation MJ/m²
rsdays Radiative stress days Number of days with radiation stress (radiation < 17.28 MJ/m²/day, or 200W for 24h). radiation d
coldshadeddays Cold and low radiation days Number of days froids with radiation stress (tmean < -1.0 °C and radiation < 17.28 MJ/m²/day, or 200W for 24h). radiation, tmean d
Wind conditions
hwinddays High wind days Number of days with high wind (wind speed at 10m > 5.28 m/s). wind d
hwindfreq High wind days freq Frequency (%) of days with high wind (wind speed at 10m > 5.28 m/s). wind %
minwind Minimal daily wind speed Minimal daily wind speed. wind m/s
maxwind Maximal daily wind speed Maximal daily wind speed. wind m/s
Phase length
phalen Phase length Phase length. tmean d
Other complex indicators
monilia Monilia risk on apricot Cumulative risk of moniliosis on apricot twigs during the flowering phase. rain, tmean % 10.1016/j.eja.2019.125960
avgthi_idele THI: Temperature Humidity Index Average heat stress indicator THI (Temperature Humidity Index). rh, tmean °C² 978-2-7148-0083-1
thidays_idele THI days Number of days with THI according to stress. Light stress: 68 - 72%; moderate stress: 72 - 78%; severe stress: 78 - 84%; extreme stress: > 84%. rh, tmean d 978-2-7148-0083-1
maxthidays_idele Consecutive light stress THI days Maximal number of consecutives days with THI according to stress. Light stress: 68 - 72%; moderate stress: 72 - 78%; severe stress: 78 - 84%; extreme stress: > 84%. rh, tmean d 978-2-7148-0083-1
thifreq_idele Light stress THI days freq Frequency (%) of THI light according to stress. Light stress: 68 - 72%; moderate stress: 72 - 78%; severe stress: 78 - 84%; extreme stress: > 84%. rh, tmean % 978-2-7148-0083-1


Id Description
DaysAfterSow Number of consecutive days after sowing during which conditions are observed for sowing decision.
swcFc Humidity at field capacity (%).
heavyRain Daily pluviometry specifying an heavy rain (mm).
swcWp Wilting point (%).
seriousHeavyRain Daily pluviometry specifying a serious heavy rain (mm).
minimalSoilWaterContent Minimum soil water content for emergence.
Theat Temperature above which heat affects the crop (°C) (compared to Tmax).
Spelldrought Number of consecutive days specifying a drought spell.
Spellfrost Number of consecutive days specifying a frost spell.
Spellheat Number of consecutive days specifying a heatshock spell.
tMaxVern Maximal temperature for vernalizing (°C).
Tmeansow Average temperature for sowing (°C).
tMinHeat Minimum temperature above which heat affects the crop (°C).
Tminsow Minimal temperature for sowing (°C).
tMinVern Minimal temperature for vernalizing (°C).
vernalizingDays Number of vernalizing days.


Id Description
etp Evapotranspiration [mm/d].
radiation Global radiation [W/m²].
rain Rain precipitation [mm].
rh Relative humidity [%].
soilwatercontent Soil water content [% mass].
tmax Maximal air temperature [°C].
tmean Average air temperature [°C].
tmin Minimal air temperature [°C].
wind Wind speed [m/s].


Reference Description
10.1016/j.eja.2019.125960 Future development of apricot blossom blight under climate change in Southern France
978-2-7148-0083-1 La ventilation des bâtiments d'élevage de ruminants, Institut de l'élevage

[^1]: Unit expressed for calculations based on climatic variables defined in standard units.