Technical documentation for Indicators
Indicator library, usable in eco-climatic mode (with an embeddded phenological model) as well as agro-climatic. This library is used by the desktop software GETARI and the workflow SEASON embeeded into SICLIMA.
Project links:
- Project info: information about code management, issues and bugs managnements, and continuous integration server.
- Dependencies.
- Project license: from the tag
in the filepom.xml
Code structuration
Source code is divided as:
: Maven filesrc/main/
: source codesrc/test/
: source code for testssrc/site/
: documentation, see below
Documentation is writtent in the folder /src/site/markdown/
Site structure is defined in /src/site/site_en.xml
Plain text formats are prefered to allow SCM.
This document is writtent in Markdown format.
UML diagrams are written in PlantUML format
(extension .puml
in /src/site/resources/images/
The prefixes for the diagrams:
: activity diagramscas-
: use case diagramscls-
: class diagramscmp-
: component diagramsseq-
: sequence diagrams
The technical documentation is generated by Maven.
The Markdown files showing indicators and error codes are generated by the class GenerateMarkdown
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=fr.inrae.agroclim.indicators.GenerateMarkdown -Dexec.args='${basedir}/src/site/markdown -'
mvn site
Jetty can be used for real time rendering,
so refreshing the browser shows the changes: use mvn site:run
and visit the link,
usually http://localhost:8080/.
If needed, generate the UML diagrams using
mvn com.github.jeluard:plantuml-maven-plugin:generate