title: “Error types” description: “List of error types: codes and descriptions.” keywords: “library,error codes” date: 2024-09-20
These are the error codes of the Indicators library (version 2.1.0).
Don't hesitate to give us feedback on any problems you encounter that you can't identify.
Error code | Error name | Error message |
Category IND01 - XML parsing | ||
IND01001 | FILE_NOT_FOUND | The XML file “{0}” was not found. |
IND01002 | UNABLE_TO_LOAD | XML loading failed. |
IND01003 | UNABLE_TO_SERIALIZE | XML serializing failed. |
Category IND02 - Evaluation resources | ||
IND02100 | CLIMATE | Error for climate data |
IND02110 | CLIMATE_EMPTY | No climatic data set in resources! |
IND02111 | CLIMATE_EMPTY_FOR_PHASE | No climatic daily data for phase {0}-{1} (from {2} to {3}) in {4}. Available data between {5} and {6}. |
IND02101 | CLIMATE_SIZE_WRONG | The number of climatic data does not match whole years! |
IND02120 | CLIMATE_YEARS | Error for years in climatic data set in resources! |
IND02121 | CLIMATE_YEARS_EMPTY | No year in climatic data set in resources! |
IND02122 | CLIMATE_YEARS_MISSING | Climatic data set in resources miss for years {0}! |
IND02200 | PHENO | Error for phenological data set in resources! |
IND02201 | PHENO_EMPTY | No phenological data set in resources! |
IND02210 | PHENO_YEARS | Error for years in phenological data set in resources! |
IND02211 | PHENO_YEARS_EMPTY | No year in phenological data set in resources! |
IND02001 | RESOURCES_CROPDEVELOPMENT_YEARS | The number of development years for the crop is not set. |
IND02300 | SOIL | Error for soil data! |
IND02301 | SOIL_SIZE_WRONG | The number of soil data does not match whole years! |
IND02400 | VARIABLES | Error for the property ResourceManager.variables! |
IND02401 | VARIABLES_EMPTY | The property ResourceManager.variables must not be empty! |
IND02402 | VARIABLES_MISSING | The property ResourceManager.variables must not be null! |
Category IND03 - Evaluation computation | ||
IND03001 | WRONG_DEFINITION | The indicator “{0}” is not well defined: {1}. |
IND03100 | INPUT | Indicator computation failed due to an invalid input. |
IND03101 | COMPOSITE_COMPUTATION | An indicator in the CompositeIndicator “{0}” failed to compute. |
IND03002 | CRITERIA_ISNT_NOCRITERIA_SIMPLECRITERIA | criteria is neither NoCriteria nor SimpleCriteria! |
IND03003 | CRITERIA_NULL | The “criteria” property must not be null. |
IND03113 | DATA_NULL | Daily data must not be null. |
IND03005 | QUOTIENT_DIVIDEND_NULL | Dividend indicator must not be null. |
IND03110 | QUOTIENT_DIVIDEND_EXCEPTION | Computation of the dividend indicator “{0}” in Quotient failed. |
IND03111 | QUOTIENT_DIVISOR_EXCEPTION | Computation of the divisor indicator “{0}” in Quotient failed. |
IND03112 | QUOTIENT_DIVISOR_ZERO | The result of the divisor indicator “{0}” is zero. |
IND03006 | QUOTIENT_DIVISOR_NULL | Divisor indicator must not be null. |
IND03200 | FORMULA | Error while executing expression “{0}”. |
IND03211 | FORMULA_AGGREGATION_NULL | Aggregation must not be null. |
IND03221 | FORMULA_EXPRESSION_NULL | Expression must not be null. |
IND03222 | FORMULA_EXPRESSION_BLANK | Expression must not be empty. |
IND03223 | FORMULA_EXPRESSION_PARENTHESIS | Invalid expression “{0}”: missing parenthesis. |
IND03224 | FORMULA_EXPRESSION_PARSING | Invalid expression “{0}”: parsing error. |
IND03231 | FORMULA_FUNCTION_UNKNOWN | Invalid expression “{0}”: the function “{1}” is unknown or ambiguous. If the function exists check arguments. |
IND03241 | FORMULA_VARIABLE_UNDEFINED | Invalid expression “{0}”: the variable “{1}” is not defined. |
IND03004 | THRESHOLD_NULL | The threshold must not be null. |
IND03007 | VARIABLE_NAME_NULL | The variable name must not be null. |
IND03114 | VARIABLE_VALUE_NULL | The value for the variable “{0}” must not be null at “{1}”. |