title: “Error types” description: “List of error types: codes and descriptions.” keywords: “library,error codes” date: 2024-09-20

These are the error codes of the Indicators library (version 2.1.0).

Don't hesitate to give us feedback on any problems you encounter that you can't identify.

Error code Error name Error message
Category IND01 - XML parsing
IND01001 FILE_NOT_FOUND The XML file “{0}” was not found.
IND01002 UNABLE_TO_LOAD XML loading failed.
IND01003 UNABLE_TO_SERIALIZE XML serializing failed.
Category IND02 - Evaluation resources
IND02100 CLIMATE Error for climate data
IND02110 CLIMATE_EMPTY No climatic data set in resources!
IND02111 CLIMATE_EMPTY_FOR_PHASE No climatic daily data for phase {0}-{1} (from {2} to {3}) in {4}. Available data between {5} and {6}.
IND02101 CLIMATE_SIZE_WRONG The number of climatic data does not match whole years!
IND02120 CLIMATE_YEARS Error for years in climatic data set in resources!
IND02121 CLIMATE_YEARS_EMPTY No year in climatic data set in resources!
IND02122 CLIMATE_YEARS_MISSING Climatic data set in resources miss for years {0}!
IND02200 PHENO Error for phenological data set in resources!
IND02201 PHENO_EMPTY No phenological data set in resources!
IND02210 PHENO_YEARS Error for years in phenological data set in resources!
IND02211 PHENO_YEARS_EMPTY No year in phenological data set in resources!
IND02001 RESOURCES_CROPDEVELOPMENT_YEARS The number of development years for the crop is not set.
IND02300 SOIL Error for soil data!
IND02301 SOIL_SIZE_WRONG The number of soil data does not match whole years!
IND02400 VARIABLES Error for the property ResourceManager.variables!
IND02401 VARIABLES_EMPTY The property ResourceManager.variables must not be empty!
IND02402 VARIABLES_MISSING The property ResourceManager.variables must not be null!
Category IND03 - Evaluation computation
IND03001 WRONG_DEFINITION The indicator “{0}” is not well defined: {1}.
IND03100 INPUT Indicator computation failed due to an invalid input.
IND03101 COMPOSITE_COMPUTATION An indicator in the CompositeIndicator “{0}” failed to compute.
IND03002 CRITERIA_ISNT_NOCRITERIA_SIMPLECRITERIA criteria is neither NoCriteria nor SimpleCriteria!
IND03003 CRITERIA_NULL The “criteria” property must not be null.
IND03113 DATA_NULL Daily data must not be null.
IND03005 QUOTIENT_DIVIDEND_NULL Dividend indicator must not be null.
IND03110 QUOTIENT_DIVIDEND_EXCEPTION Computation of the dividend indicator “{0}” in Quotient failed.
IND03111 QUOTIENT_DIVISOR_EXCEPTION Computation of the divisor indicator “{0}” in Quotient failed.
IND03112 QUOTIENT_DIVISOR_ZERO The result of the divisor indicator “{0}” is zero.
IND03006 QUOTIENT_DIVISOR_NULL Divisor indicator must not be null.
IND03200 FORMULA Error while executing expression “{0}”.
IND03211 FORMULA_AGGREGATION_NULL Aggregation must not be null.
IND03221 FORMULA_EXPRESSION_NULL Expression must not be null.
IND03222 FORMULA_EXPRESSION_BLANK Expression must not be empty.
IND03223 FORMULA_EXPRESSION_PARENTHESIS Invalid expression “{0}”: missing parenthesis.
IND03224 FORMULA_EXPRESSION_PARSING Invalid expression “{0}”: parsing error.
IND03231 FORMULA_FUNCTION_UNKNOWN Invalid expression “{0}”: the function “{1}” is unknown or ambiguous. If the function exists check arguments.
IND03241 FORMULA_VARIABLE_UNDEFINED Invalid expression “{0}”: the variable “{1}” is not defined.
IND03004 THRESHOLD_NULL The threshold must not be null.
IND03007 VARIABLE_NAME_NULL The variable name must not be null.
IND03114 VARIABLE_VALUE_NULL The value for the variable “{0}” must not be null at “{1}”.